Cómo hacer un desengrasante casero efectivo

How to make an effective homemade degreaser

Would you like to make your own cleaning products and thus reduce or even eliminate the use of chemicals? In this article, I will tell you how to make an effective homemade degreaser with ingredients that you probably already have at home.


To make a homemade degreaser or grease remover you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • A splash of dish soap
  • Warm water


In a bowl, mix all the ingredients. It's that simple, and you're ready to use it. Use a scouring pad or cloth, scrub the surface you want to clean and then wipe it with a well-rinsed cloth to remove any traces of the product.

This degreaser can be used on kitchen cabinets, countertops, ceramic hobs, ovens or even pans that have stubborn grease residue.

I hope this trick is useful to you, you can also watch it in the video below:

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